
Learn more about Silviculture

Silviculture is the forestry term for all operations associated with regenerating the forest. All harvested areas are regenerated, either naturally, by aerial seeding or by planting. Each stand is carefully monitored over the years to confirm successful regeneration. In some cases, we actively tend stands through thinning or other means to make sure the forest is healthy and growing.

127,768,570 Seeds Dispersed to Date

Aerial Seeding is a regeneration treatment consisting of the broadcast seeding of seeds or seed pellets from an aircraft. Jack pine seeds are the most commonly used for aerial seeding on Lac Seul Forest but Black spruce seeds are used, in a more limited number.

5,349,040 Seedlings Planted

Tree Planting is a regeneration treatment that consists of setting out of seedling in an area, commonly used to re-establish a forest after depletion. Lac Seul forest commonly plants jack pine, black spruce, and white spruce seedlings.

866 HL Of Pine Cones Processed

Cone Collection is the harvesting of cones after seed maturation but before their natural dispersal. Seeds are collected from cones that are picked from the Lac Seul breeding zone. Seedlings that are planted in the Lac Seul forest are grown from the seeds sourced from this zone.

workers looking over seedlings

Since 2012, when Obishikokaang Resources took over the management of the forest, we have worked closely with Lac Seul First Nation to:

  • Plant over 2 million seedlings
  • Aerial seed over 1500 hectares
  • Process over 200 litres of cones for seeds
  • Thin over 100 hectares of plantations