

Obishikokaang Resources employs local contractors to build roads and harvest the forest. Compliance to the Forest Management Plan, applicable laws and best management practices are closely monitored to ensure operations are conducted in a safe and environmentally acceptable manner.

A great deal of care is taken to minimize the impact of operations on the environment and protect all forest values. Stands are harvested in a mosaic pattern to emulate what would naturally occur during a forest fire. Snag trees are left in the harvested area, sensitive areas are protected, reserves are left around water bodies and roads are kept away from nearby lakes.

The above picture of the Sharon Road harvest area, just east of Sioux Lookout, illustrates a typical harvesting operation on the Lac Seul Forest and the different ways forest values are protected.

construction workers


Safety is of the utmost importance for all our operations and is a core value for Obishikokaang Resources. All employees and contractors who work on the forest are fully trained and understand how to work safe! With so many members of the public using our roads, we have identified trucking safety as a key area. We have implemented an enhanced trucking safety program to ensure all trucks continue to be operated in a safe manner.


Obishikokaang Resources is responsible for planning, constructing and maintaining roads and water crossings associated with forest management activities on the Lac Seul Forest. Millions dollars are spent annually to ensure roads and crossings are built and maintained properly. This represents a significant challenge, as roads and crossings must be constructed and maintained with safety in mind, while at the same time, protecting the environment. Roads constructed and maintained by Obishikokaang Resources are also used by the public to access the forest for recreational purposes.

Roads, bridges and buffer zones around water crossings are designed and built to protect water quality and aquatic habitat.