Learn more about Capacity Building & Training

A key mandate of Obishikokaang Resources is to build capacity and train band members in all parts of forest management.

Over the last four years we have worked closely with the community to not only provide employment on the forest, but also provide opportunities for our foresters to interact with community members to learn more about traditional values and the long term goals of the community.

At the present time, seven full time positions and 3 summer student positions within Obishikokaang Resources are held by Lac Seul First Nation community members.

Obishikokaang Resources operates two Lac Seul First Nation’s graders on the Vermillion Road full time.

Many others community members are employed though seasonal positions with our valued contractors. Through these job opportunities community members are involved in road monitoring, harvesting and silviculture activities. Community members also plant trees, gather cones and are employed in thinning and monitoring silviculture operations.

students learning forestry

Summer Student Program

Obishikokaang Resources provides a Forestry Experience Program for high school aged youth from the community.

We are very proud of this program and look forward to working with and encouraging young people to consider a career in forestry.

The Junior Rangers work very hard and Obishikokaang Resources are lucky to have such as fantastic crew!