Learn more about Modern Forestry & Traditional Values

“The opportunity to participate in the management of the Lac Seul Forest is a great day for our people, as we have been waiting for over a hundred years to have a greater say in the management of our lands.”

– Chief Clifford, Lac Seul First Nation


How We Achieve This Goal

ORC works with the Lac Seul First Nation to identify areas within the Lac Seul forest that need to be protected. These areas or values include but are not limited to bird nests, berry picking areas, ceremonial grounds, burial grounds, trap lines, and camp sites.

To achieve this goal ORC consults with community stakeholders and community members during the planning process ( Forest Management Planning: FMP / Annual Work Schedule: AWS).

ORC presents forest management maps and other information to the communities, during community engagement events so that the individuals who live in or near the affected harvest area, or other concerned public can identify values they would like to be protected.